Sunday, February 23, 2025

Morgan Phillips contributed to this report.Get In Touch.Spruce Power. [Assholes On The Roof, Spruce Powers, Solar Panels, Not Santa Clause,Dicks

Hasn't this country had enough lessons from the HOLOCAUST? Good time toads, rotten men, rotten kids, run of the rats, bitches with stars, hoes with hogs, wigs to caps, bald heads in the sun.

Hasn't this country had enough lessons from the HOLOCAUST? Good time toads, rotten men, rotten kids, run of the rats, bitches with stars, hoes with hogs, wigs to caps, bald heads in the sun.
Don't ever allow anyone to take you for granted, you are too valuable not to be appreciated. It's so dope to watch ppl succeed and do cool s...

 Morgan Phillips contributed to this report.Get In Touch.Spruce Power. [Assholes On The Roof, Spruce Powers, Solar Panels, Not Santa Clause,Dicks.RISE AND SHINE MY FRAGILE AMERICANS ,WHAT SILLY NONSENSE ARE WE OFFENDED BY TODAY?'.ABC,Ways To Grow, Witches, Bitches, Babes, Cattle Calls, Roles To Play, Hats To Wear, Rights To Reasons, Rocks To Roll, Gems To Love, Dancing On Sands Of Time

Hasn't this country had enough lessons from the HOLOCAUST? Good time toads, rotten men, rotten kids, run of the rats, bitches with stars, hoes with hogs, wigs to caps, bald heads in the sun.

I'll get by with a little help from my friends...The U.S. surgeon general is telling Americans for the first time that toxic workplaces can be harmful.When you purchase Sungevity, Spruce Powers, Sunrun, shitty company, name changes in last five years: Talk on the street says…"People follow leaders by choice.Do not be fooled .From: Ruben Villareal  Time waits for No one.

RISE AND SHINE MY FRAGILE AMERICANS ,WHAT SILLY NONSENSE ARE WE OFFENDED BY TODAY?'.ABC,Ways To Grow, Witches, Bitches, Babes, Cattle Calls, Roles To Play, Hats To Wear, Rights To Reasons, Rocks To Roll, Gems To Love, Dancing On Sands Of Time

RISE AND SHINE MY FRAGILE AMERICANS ,WHAT SILLY NONSENSE ARE WE OFFENDED BY TODAY?'ABC,Ways To Grow, Witches, Bitches, Babes, Cattle Calls, Roles To Play, Hats To Wear, Rights To Reasons, Rocks To Roll, Gems To Love, Dancing On Sands Of Time.

Don't drink too much. Don't hold the fireworks in your hand when lit. Don't be a Dick.
Hasn't this country had enough lessons from the HOLOCAUST? Good time toads, rotten men, rotten kids, run of the rats, bitches with stars, hoes with hogs, wigs to caps, bald heads in the sun.
Morgan Phillips contributed to this report.Get In Touch.Spruce Power. [Assholes On The Roof, Spruce Powers, Solar Panels, Not Santa Clause,Dicks. Hasn't this country had enough lessons from the HOLOCAUST? Good time toads, rotten men, rotten kids, run of the rats, bitches with stars, hoes with hogs, wigs to caps, bald heads in the sun.

RISE AND SHINE MY FRAGILE AMERICANS ,WHAT SILLY NONSENSE ARE WE OFFENDED BY TODAY?'.ABC,Ways To Grow, Witches, Bitches, Babes, Cattle Calls, Roles To Play, Hats To Wear, Rights To Reasons, Rocks To Roll, Gems To Love, Dancing On Sands Of Time.Don't drink too much. Don't hold the fireworks in your hand when lit. Don't be a Dick.

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